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Blog » 6 Best Things About A Freshly Paved Driveway

6 Best Things About A Freshly Paved Driveway

Child's sidewalk chalk drawing of a person

You may not think about your driveway on the regular, but you probably see it at some point throughout the day when walking your little one to the bus stop, leaving for work, or pulling in after the end of a long day at the office. A driveway may just seem like a nice pathway from street to garage, but we’re here to tell you they’re much more than that. What are the 6 BEST things about a freshly paved driveway?

  1. Sidewalk Chalk — Everybody has used chalk at some point in their life, and while drawing in the street may seem like a bigger, better canvas, it’s definitely not safe.  Plus, what’s better than having a smooth driveway for all of your artistic needs?
  2. Rollerblading — Nobody wants to be blading down their driveway full speed ahead and have a front wheel hit a pothole. Bring back a bad memory? Hopefully not. Having a smooth surface makes rollerblading, scootering, biking, skateboarding, longboarding, etc. a lot more fun.
  3. Curb Appeal — Do you ever plan on selling your house? Even if you don’t, curb appeal is extremely important. First impressions do matter. The exterior of your house, INCLUDING your driveway, could potentially make or break a sale.
  4. Lemonade Stand — Referring back to the curb appeal, it may not only make or break the sale of your home, but your lemonade business as well! Wouldn’t you trust the lemonade just a little bit more if the stand/surroundings were also well kempt?
  5. Safety of your vehicle — A day trip to Uptown may seem fun, but street parking can really deter some people from the attraction. This goes for all neighborhoods! Would you prefer parking your brand new car on the street with the potential of getting sideswiped? Or in the safety of your driveway? No brainer.
  6. Playing Horse/Pig — If you’ve got a basketball hoop, you’ll definitely be able to relate. Not all of us can be Steph Curry, sinking every shot…but when playing horse/pig with the neighbors, do you want to risk not having a smooth driveway?

We can help, hint, hint!

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